It was a great day today. We did many things. We started the day riding mountain bikes and finished it dancing in the disco. Last night we played a game where we needed to look for the group leaders hidden in the woods. It was fun.
We, the English group, do many things together but sometimes we get organised in two different groups. Today, for example, after the mountain bike session, while the younger ones made a nice desk tidy, the older ones learned a lot about being English and played some team-building games.
There are also some activities specially designed to learn and practise english grammar. Many times we do that in the pool and we organise games and competitions. As you can see in the picture, the girls in Luke's group won the final and decisive challenge of the day with a clear advantage over the boys.
So, the boys will need to work harder next time.
For now is bedtime and we really need to rest as we will have a tiring day tomorrow - the excursion to the source of the Guadalquivir River. We will tell you everything about it later.